26 Oct 2016 Al Haramain Academy to host 5th Road2Haramain Festival
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Kuala Lumpur - In its continuous effort to promote the global Hajj and Umrah industry, Al-Haramain Academy Sdn Bhd and ARAB Excellence Business Services Sdn Bhd will be hosting the Road2Haramain Festival for the fifth year running, in collaboration with Asfar Kingdom and support from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. 

With the theme “ZamZam for Life”, the highlight of 2016 event is the importance of the best water on earth – ZamZam – sourced from a well located in Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Situated a few meters east of the Holy Kaba, the well is 35-metre deep, covered with an elegant dome. Muslims believe ZamZam has the power to cure diseases. 

According to Al-Haramain founder and chief executive officer Datuk Haji Abdul Rahim Haji Abdullah, the annual festival plays a pivotal role in harnessing Hajj and Umrah business ties as well as development of Islamic tourism across Asia and the rest of the world. 

“It features an exhibition, meetings, dialogue sessions and an award gala dinner among members of Travel and Tours Associations from Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia in Umrah and Hajj industry,” he said.

Abdul Rahim added that he has seen tremendous progress of the Hajj and Umrah market from mere traditional industry reflected by core religious activities into a global economic driver.

“Makkah, for example, is not solely viewed from a religious perspective, but now shared in terms of history, human management, technology and township development that is growing from year to year to cater to the ever-increasing needs of its visitors. Since the first Road2Haramain Festival, we have seen the number of participants and supporters continue to increase year-on-year.” 

Sponsored by Al Rajhi Bank Malaysia and Mawaddah International Group for Hotel and Umrah Services, the fifth Road2Haramain festival will be held on Wednesday November 2, 2016, at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Entrance to the oneday event is open to public. 

Speaking at the Press Conference, Chief Executive Officer of Al Rajhi Bank Malaysia, Steve Chen, said “The Al Rajhi brand is one which pilgrims can closely relate to in view of our roots and Al Rajhi Bank’s large presence through its network of more than 4,100 ATMs and 46,000 Point of Sales machines spread across the country. Our participation enters its third consecutive year and is testament of our support to the Umrah and Hajj industry through our secure and Shariah compliant products – not only for pilgrims, but for travel agents and other related businesses as well.”

This year, Al Haramain expects 200 travel agents from Malaysia  to participate, as well as companies from related industries like hotel, transportation, food and beverage, financial institution and takaful.

Al-Haramain Academy was jointly established with Asia eUniversity in July 2009.

For more information, please contact: Datuk Abdul Rahim Abdullah  Founder & CEO, Al-Haramain Academy  +6013 7787302

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