Sinar Kasih

Sinar Kasih

Sinar Kasih

Ensure essential coverage for your critical years to secure your family financial future and your business continuity.


  • Safeguard your critical years
  • Affordable & level1 contribution
  • Complementary coverage for property owners
  • Safeguard your business continuity via Key Man Takaful

1 Contribution rate is not guaranteed. The Takaful Provider reserves the right to revise the contribution by giving 90 days’ written notice.

Features & Benefits

Death/ Total and Permanent Disability (TPD2) Benefit
In the event of death/TPD of the person covered, 100% of the sum covered, less any indebtedness, will be payable in one lump sum.

Accidental Death/TPD Benefit3
An additional 50% of the sum covered will be payable if the person covered dies or suffers TPD due to accidental causes.

Disability Allowance Benefit4
An additional 3% of the sum covered will be payable in addition to TPD/accidental TPD benefit. 

2TPD coverage will cease on the contract monthly anniversary, immediately following the person covered’s 65th birthday. Maximum TPD benefit payable is RM8,000,000 per person and industry.

3Additional death/TPD benefit due to accidental causes will cease on the contract monthly anniversary, immediately following the person covered’s 65th birthday. Maximum accidental death/TPD benefit payable is RM1,000,000 per person.

4Disability allowance benefit will cease on the contract monthly anniversary, immediately following the person covered’s 65th birthday. Maximum disability allowance benefit payable is RM30,000 per person.

  • 18-60 years old (based on age last birthday)

This product is managed by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad (689263-M), (“Sun Life Malaysia”), a Takaful Operator registered under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.

Disclaimer: The description of the features/plans and benefits of the takaful product herein is not a contract/certificate of a family takaful product and is only a brief summary of the takaful product for quick and easy reference. The complete terms and conditions of the takaful product are contained in the relevant Contract/Certificate Document of the specific takaful product of Sun Life Malaysia.

The Shariah Board of Al-Rajhi Bank does not review or recommend any of Takaful operators including their products and other related agreements. The Shariah compliance status of Takaful products is at the responsibility of their respective Shariah Committee.

The Product Disclosure Sheet below is generated for a non-smoker male aged 35 years old; with sum covered of RM500,000 and coverage term of 10 years.



Product Enquiry

Kindly provide us with your details and our Bank representative shall get in touch with you soon.

Personal Details


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