

Diversify your Deposit

At Al Rajhi, we offer you deposit arrangement via Commodity Murabahah transactions both in Ringgit and other foreign currencies. The commodities offered are regulated and traded either at the London Metal Exchange or Bursa Malaysia trading platforms, both of which are secure and convenient to access.

Our Products

Commodity Deferred Purchase Agreement
Commodity Deferred Purchase Agreement (CDPA) is a Shariah compliant term deposit product which allows Treasury clients make placement with the Bank via commodity trading arrangement whereby specific commodities of Shariah compliant are used as underlying assets for sale and purchase transactions.

The Client will be able to generate periodical returns with their excess funds and mainly used to meet short term requirement. The profit rate is made known upfront and agreed by all parties involved.

  • Flexible tenures, preferably one month minimum placement or as agreed by both parties
  • Guaranteed principle with fixed rate of return
  • Minimum nominal amount of 1 million

For more information please contact 03-2332 6300 or leave us a message through our enquiry form.

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